netzer australia’s history
Temple Youth send 5 people to Machon
Netzer is first established in Melbourne, Australia, at Temple Beth Israel (TBI), under the name “Temple Youth” after the group of Machon-niks immediately assume leadership roles after returning home.
Temple Youth apply for recognition as a youth movement under the AZYC (Australaision Zionist Youth Council).
Arik and Avital Hatzor, the first Shlichim for Netzer Australia, arrive from Israel.
Netzer given its name, and the logo designed by Danny Schaffer. The ideological and structural framework for the movement are discussed.
Netzer’s first Summer camps are held, Junior camp from January 10-17th and a Senior camp from January 17th-27th.
In May the first outreach to Sydney is held.
Winter camp is held in Sydney for the first time!
Netzer Australia is finally recognised as a full member of the AZYC.
Netzer Australia establishes a Shabbat policy.
Netzer Australia developed a kashrut policy.
The “Five Concentric Circles” of Tikkun Olam are developed here in Australia. This model of Tikkun Atzmi, Tikkun Kehila, Tikkun Chevra, Tikkun Am, and Tikkun Olam, are the model through which we envision change in our movement.
Netzer Australia becomes pescetarian (no meat, no chicken, yes to fish).
Netzer Shlichim take on additional responsibilities within the progressive community in Australia, including active roles at synagogues.
Netzer turns 25 and the first ever Netzernik from Adelaide goes on Shnat. Mazel Tov!
Netzer Australia signs up to the Jerusalem Platform.
Netzer joins in the rest of the AZYC in supporting the establishment of JAZY, a pluralist youth movement in Adelaide.
Netzer becomes the first fully vegetarian movement in Netzer worldwide (Goodbye fish).
At Veidah 2012, Netzer decides that the wearing of kippot would no longer be mandatory for men, but strongly encouraged for all. This in line with our Jewish and egalitarian values.
Netzer turns 40! But we’re still young and thriving!
Netzer winter camps and peulot go online due to COVID-19.
Netzer is thriving, with a team of 40 madrichim and reaching 300 chanichim every year!
Netzer comes out of COVID-19 strongly. Netzer Melbourne gets it’s first house in the middle of Caufield at Beth Weizmann.
Netzer’s Original Crew
Netzer’s Melbourne’s House Project Va’ad