No matter when participants decide to leave the movement, their experiences in Netzer have a lasting impact and influence the rest of their lives.
Years 3-8: Junior Movement
Participants enter the movement in year 3, and remain chanichimot (participants) in the junior movement until year 8. Junior chanichimot participate in weekly peulot and winter and summer camps.
Year 9-12: Senior Movement
Participants in years 9-12 are chanichimot of the senior movement, which features annual summer federal senior camps, and a much greater standardisation of chinuch (education), in addition to weekly peulot and annual winter camps.
Year 10: Hadracha course
Participants in year 10 have the opportunity to participate in a 10-14 week hadracha (leadership) course in the second semester, giving them valuable life skills and qualifying them to lead in the junior movement.
Year 11: Madatzim
Participants in year 10 have the opportunity to participate in Netzer events and camps as Madatzim (junior leaders), giving them valuable life skills and qualifying them to lead in the junior movement. They lead in a tzevet with other madatzim and with bogrim (leaders).
The word madatz is an amalgamation of the words 'Madrich Tzair', meaning 'young leader'.
Year 12: Shnat preperation process
Winter and summer shnat seminars
Shnat Netzer
The progressive movements flagship program in Israel. Spend time living and learning with Israelis and Netzer participants from all over the world. Then take your experience to the US for 3 months leading on URJ camps.
Year 13
Year 13 is a leadership program for those who want to become a Netzer leader straight out of school!
Includes integration into the leadership body of Netzer, along with supplemental programs and seminars to help prepare the Year 13s for being leaders in the movement.
After Shnat, particpants become bogrimot (graduates) of the movement and are now fully equipped to become the leaders of the movement and hold important tafkidim (positions). Whilst the bogrimot are running the movement, they are still chanichimot of the movement as well.
Beyond the Youth Movement
Netzer is a youth movement, and as such there are generally no adults running the movement besides the shichimot (Israel Emissaries).
However, the youth movement is merely a part of the larger movement which aims to take responsibility for Israel and the Jewish people. Bogrimot who choose to do so, can continue on the movement's path by joining the movement in Israel.